The first Pennsylvania oil companies shipped oil in 48-gallon [180 L] wine barrels. Eventually only 42 gallons [159 L] of oil was put in to allow for spillage during shipment. A barrel (42 gallons) is still used today for oil commerce.
From the beginning, oil for Europe was transported by sea and was usually measured by weight, in tons, as is the practice today.
How Is Oil Extracted?
Eventually, the pressure that makes the oil and gas emerge decreases, and it must be maintained by the injection of water, chemicals, carbon dioxide, or other gases, such as nitrogen. Depending on the zone, oil can have different degrees of density. Naturally, light oil is by far preferred, for it is easier to obtain and refine.
As explained by the American Petroleum Institute, modern technology includes horizontal drilling, done virtually parallel to the earth’s crust, which reduces the number of wells that must be bored. Offshore extraction, which began in 1947 in the Gulf of Mexico, greatly increased oil production. Of course, the extraction method used has a direct effect on the price of the final product.#
In the August 20, 2002, issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the article “The Genesis of Hydrocarbons and the Origin of Petroleum” was published. The authors argue that the origin of natural petroleum must occur at depths that are “well into the mantle of the Earth” and not at the much shallower depths generally accepted.
Physicist Thomas Gold has suggested some controversial theories and explains his reasons in detail in his book The Deep Hot Biosphere—The Myth of Fossil Fuels. He writes: “The theory of the biological origin of hydrocarbons was so favored in the United States and in much of Europe that it effectively shut out work on the opposing viewpoint. This was not the case in the countries of the former Soviet Union.” That was “probably because the revered Russian chemist Mendeleyev had supported the abiogenic [not biological] view. The arguments he presented are even stronger today, given the greatly expanded information we now have.” What is the abiogenic view?
Gold states: “The abiogenic theory holds that hydrocarbons were a component of the material that formed the earth, through accretion of solids, some 4.5 billion years ago.” According to this theory, the elements of petroleum have been deep in the earth since the earth’s formation.*
*Awake! does not take a position on differing theories. It merely reports them.
How Is Oil Transported?
In 1863 in Pennsylvania, small-diameter wooden pipelines were built for transporting oil, as they were cheaper and less cumbersome to use than 42-gallon [159 L] barrels moved on horse carts.% Today’s pipeline systems have evolved and multiplied. According to the Association of Oil Pipe Lines, the United States alone has a network of 200,000 miles [300,000 km] of petroleum pipeline!
Such pipeline systems, mainly made of metal, transport not only crude oil to refineries but also final oil products to distributors. Modern pipeline technology allows for automated systems that monitor flow and pressure. So-called intelligent pigs (devices used to inspect hundreds of miles of pipeline), Magnetic Flux Leakage inspection, and ultrasonic in-line inspection have also been developed. Yet, all that the ordinary user of the final products will probably see is a sign indicating that a petroleum pipeline lies underground and warning that no digging should be done at the site.
As useful as it is, though, a pipeline system is not practical for the transportation of large quantities of oil overseas. But early oil entrepreneurs found a solution for that too—immense oil tankers. These are specially designed ships as much as a quarter of a mile long [400 meters long]. Tankers are the largest ships to sail the oceans and are able to carry up to a million or more barrels of oil. Unfortunately, as mighty as they look, tankers have a vulnerability that has not been surmounted, as the box “About Oil Spills” shows. Barges and railcars are also common means of bulk oil transportation. Nevertheless, in oil’s journey, transportation is only half the story.
A small flame coming from a tall pipe stack, or flare—which acts as a safety valve—is a good indication that you are looking at an oil refinery. Basically, in these huge refining facilities, crude oil is heated and sent to an atmospheric distillation tower, where it is separated into several fractions. These fractions range from the lightest—gases, such as butane—to the heaviest, which are processed into lubricants, among other products. (See OIL PRODUCTION—SIMPLIFIED-BAGAN) But this still leaves the question, Is oil a mixed blessing?
To Link : Oil~A Blessing and Curse? then "Oil~Will It Ever Run Out?"
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* One of them, Alfred Bernhard Nobel, would later become the founder of the Nobel Prizes.
# “A guyed tower constructed in more than 300 metres [1,000 feet] of water in the Gulf of Mexico has been estimated to produce oil at about 65 times the production cost in the Middle East.”—The Encyclopædia Britannica.
% In the early days, oil was stored and transported in wooden barrels, the same as those used for wine.
Total amounts are in billions of barrels. This does not include undiscovered resources
▪ OPEC member
• Country that has one or more supergiant fields
Cumulative production
♦ Reserves
▪ • ♦ 332.7 SAUDI ARABIA
• ♦ 192.6 RUSSIA
▪ • ♦ 135.9 IRAN
▪ • ♦ 130.6 VENEZUELA
▪ • ♦ 125.1 KUWAIT
▪ • ♦ 122.8 IRAQ
• ♦ 70.9 MEXICO
• ♦ 42.9 CHINA
▪ • ♦ 41.9 LIBYA
▪ ♦ 33.4 NIGERIA
♦ 21.2 CANADA
▪ ♦ 21.0 INDONESIA
▪ • ♦ 18.3 ALGERIA
♦ 17.6 NORWAY
OIL PRODUCTION—SIMPLIFIED-(Bagan in bahasa Indonesia-Click picture for full viewer)
SATELLITEThe Global Positioning System provides accurate signals used for surveying
Seismic surveying, one method used, records the below-ground reflections of artificially generated sound waves
Extraction methods include the use of inland, offshore, and underwater oil wells. To maintain the pressure, gases or water may be injected
Remotely operated submarines are used to construct production facilities on the sea bottom
Motors controlled remotely by an engineer turn the drill bit, and sensors detect the rock properties
Pipelines above the ground, below the ground, and under the sea transport the oil. Other methods of transport include tankers, barges, and railcars
Crude oil is heated, distilled, and broken up into fractions that can be used to make everyday products
When sticky, dark crude oil is heated in the furnace, the hydrocarbons turn into gases. The gases condense back into liquids at different temperatures. Oil is thus separated into its parts, or fractions
68°F. → REFINERY GASES These include methane, ethane,
[20°C] propane, and butane
↑ ↑
70°-160°F. → GASOLINE Used as automobile fuel and as a
[20°-70°C] raw material for plastics
↑ ↑
160°-320°F. → NAPHTHA Can be made into plastics,
[70°-160°C] automobile fuel, and other
↑ ↑
320°-480°F. → KEROSENE Made into jet fuel and stove oil
↑ ↑
480°-660°F. → GAS OIL Made into diesel and furnace fuels
↑ ↑
750°F. → RESIDUE Further processed into refinery
↑ ↑ fuels, heavy fuel oil, candle wax,
FURNACE greases, and asphalt
The hydrocarbons are heated by steam and mixed with the hot catalyst of powdered alumina-silica gel. This process cracks, or breaks up, the hydrocarbons into smaller and more useful molecules
Powdered catalyst mixes with the hydrocarbon in steam
↓ ↓ ↓
(For fully formatted text, see publication)
▪ The total quantity of oil spilled by tankers between 1970 and 2000 is 5,322,000 tons
▪ The largest oil spill occurred in 1979 when the Atlantic Empress collided with the Aegean Captain in the Caribbean, resulting in a spill of 287,000 tons of oil
▪ The Exxon Valdez was only about the 34th-largest oil tanker spill
▪ Although most tanker spills result from operations such as loading, discharging, and bunkering, the largest spills are related to collisions and groundings
▪ Some major oil spills from causes other than tankers:
● Blowout of the exploratory well Ixtoc I in 1979, in the Gulf of Mexico. Total spilled: 140,000,000 gallons [500,000,000 L]
● Blowout of a platform in a well in the Persian Gulf in 1983. Total spilled: 80,000,000 gallons [300,000,000 L]
● Deliberate release in 1991, in the Persian Gulf. Total spilled: 240,000,000 gallons [900,000,000 L]
[Picture bellow]
Oil tanker “Erika” sinks near Penmarch Point, France, December 13, 1999
[Credit Lines]
Sources: International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited, “Oil Spill Intelligence Report,” “The Encarta Encyclopedia”